Become an Employer


Employment Positions

  • Are entry-level and part-time
  • Fulfill a need in your company
  • Provide our members a bridge back into the workforce

Benefits to the Employer

  • Guaranteed shift coverage — if a member is sick, we cover his/her shift at no cost to you
  • Working with an enthusiastic, well-trained, highly motivated employee
  • Reduced costs in benefits, recruitment and training–the member employee is selected, trained and supported entirely by Clubhouse staff
  • Social investment– by helping our members rejoin society through paid work, an employer is helping decrease unemployment rates and the number of people in need of government support

Contact Us

A Transitional Employment job can change a member’s life.

With newfound confidence, a sense of fulfillment and purpose, an evolving skill set, and a little extra financial support, our members go on to pursue their dreams and live meaningful lives.

Employment partners in the past have included a range of small and corporate businesses and organizations, such as: