Thrift Shop

Thrift Shop Notice 

Club Nova is transitioning to a new day with changes, challenges, and opportunities on the horizon. In early 2021, we plan to begin construction of our much needed larger, new facility at our current location at 103 West Main Street in Carrboro. The Town of Chapel Hill has graciously offered us use of the Old Town Hall to operate Club Nova during construction. During the remaining months of 2020, we will be busy preparing to move our operations to our transition space. 

Our plan had been to keep the Club Nova Thrift Shop open until we started construction. The emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic has led to rearranging priorities and maintaining a keen focus on mission critical work including intensive outreach, home visits, meal delivery, and establishing a “virtual Clubhouse” with a full schedule of working groups and socials. 

Given that many of our members are in the high risk category for COVID, as an organization, we realized we could not take the risk of exposure that would come with reopening the Thrift Shop and members working with the public. As a result, we decided to go ahead and close the Club Nova Thrift Shop permanently. 

We know our regular customers will be sad to see our Thrift Shop close, and we thank you for your many years of support of our community. We appreciate the relationships we have built with you as our customers and donors to our shop. Through your caring involvement, you have selflessly helped us to create a fun and meaningful environment to work in for the last 18 years. 

We donated our inventory to TROSA, and they will, in turn, help us with moving to and from our transition space. Between now and the time we move, if, and only if, it becomes safe to do so, we have developed plans for a soft reopening of our program in our physical space. The cleared out Thrift Shop area offers us the best space for physical distancing. 

While we will not be reopening a Thrift Shop, we have plans to interface with the community in new ways. Our new facility will allow us to expand our community education and training in mental health and community based care. We have many gifted artists within our membership. Our new facility will contain space for member art exhibitions that will allow Club Nova to develop its role as part of the local art community. 

Again, we thank you for your many years of support of our Thrift Shop. We have enjoyed the relationships that have formed over the years, and we hope that you will continue your involvement with Club Nova in the future. 



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