
At the core of Club Nova’s mission is community.  For more than thirty years, Club Nova has operated with open doors as an intentional, caring community for individuals living with serious mental illness. 

The very nature of a pandemic has dramatically affected how Club Nova provides services.   The majority of our members are in the high-risk category for COVID-19 due to co-occurring health conditions.  With most members at high-risk, we made the decision in mid-March 2020 to close our physical facility to members.  However, we have remained fully operational, by swiftly transitioning our life-sustaining supports and services to be home-based and digital, to best serve our members, meet their basic needs, prevent social isolation, and maintain community while the physical Clubhouse must be closed. 

Since the closing of our physical facility, Club Nova has continued to provide vital services for our 117 active members, including: 

-Preparing and delivering meals weekly (5,000+ delivered) 

-Performing daily outreach to every member and conducting home wellness checks 

-Providing members with smart phones, tablets, and laptops with Zoom capabilities 

-Offering at least 40 hours per week of structured virtual working groups